Healing on the Streets, originally conceived by Mark Marx in Northern Ireland, has been running since 2014. He described it this way:
“Healing on the Streets is a simple but beautiful way to reach out to the lost and hurting on the streets of your town or city. It enables you to connect with your community every week, powerfully expressing God’s love in the market place, whatever the weather.”
We offer prayer twice a month in the city centre, for healing or anything else. And God works through that prayer!
“A man with pain in his ankle received prayer. He felt the pain diminish to totally pain free, with full mobility restored.”
Healing on the Streets Volunteer, 2021
We have had many encouraging stories over the years of God touching and healing people. Some have come to faith; others come back to us weeks or months later to share the real difference prayer has made in their lives.
It’s astonishing!
When do you meet?
Healing on the Streets runs on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays every month, from 12pm-1:30pm. We always operate in teams, usually of 6 or more from several churches – and we always pray for people in pairs. Our team is headed up by Angus & Sally Ormes.
What training do your team get?
We provide training to ensure that all team members adhere to the model. This includes:
- avoiding religious jargon
- introducing ourselves by name
- not touching the person without permission,
- showing them respect,
- watching and praying (eyes open!),
- taking authority in the name of Jesus over the illness/condition disclosed,
- asking for feedback.
“A lady had swollen ankles, water retention, a painful knee and shoulder ache. She received prayer for healing and was given a word of knowledge. She remarked how accurate the word of knowledge and prayer was and felt very peaceful.”
Healing on the Streets Volunteer, 2021
Can I join you?
Yes, we’d love that! You’ll just need to attend a training session. Get in touch with us to book a time.
Alternatively, if you’re not sure yet, come and see what it’s like. You can shadow an experienced member of the team for a session.

Do you want to join our team? Or would you like to shadow someone? Great! Get in touch with us.

Healing on the Streets is volunteer-run and administrated by Hope Coventry. If you would like to support what we do, please consider making a donation to help cover our costs.