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Christians Against Poverty

Debt can become a life sentence – but through Christians Against Poverty, we’re able to offer hope to people across the city.

Why is debt a problem?

When individuals or families start struggling with debt, money disappears into keeping up with debt repayments. When the money runs out, they end up borrowing more money to stay on top of repayments.

And the cycle continues: debts create poverty, more money is borrowed to keep up and the debt trap deepens.

What are we doing about it?

The Coventry CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Debt centre is one of over 300 centres across the UK. They focus on two things:

  • Debt management. Meeting with people in debt, our trained debt advisors help them make a realistic plan for how to become debt-free.
  • Money courses. These free courses are held across the city, for anyone who wants to take complete control of their finances.

Between 2015 and 2023, we helped 560 families across Coventry. So far, 120 are completely debt-free and 19 are currently on a debt management plan.

I need help.

Are you struggling with debt? Or do you simply want to gain better control of your finances? Get in touch with CAP Head Office and start your journey, or fill out our contact form.

Hear Alan and Julie’s amazing story of the surprising ways Coventry CAP was able to help them.

Getting to the roots of debt

But debt management at CAP goes above and beyond. We find that many of our clients have other issues leading to debt. So, we help people access benefits. We signpost them to other organisations, such as addiction support or foodbanks. And we help in practical ways such as making phone calls, accompanying a client to court – or helping a client declutter so she can move away from her abuser.

We help our clients in whatever way is appropriate, regardless of their background, race, gender or faith.

The Coventry CAP team are friendly, non-judgemental, and here to help. To contact the Coventry Debt Centre, get in touch with Ian Burton.

Want to get stuck in on the ground? We need you! Volunteers take all sorts of roles, from visiting and supporting clients with a debt coach to delivering emergency food parcels.

Become part of our prayer team and pray for our work across the city. We give you specific people and situations to pray for. We also meet twice a year to share stories, encourage one another and pray together.

Coventry CAP centre is reliant on donations from churches and individuals to bring hope to people across the city. Both regular donations and one-off gifts help us serve the people of Coventry and see them flourish.